Da li skulptura od smeća može da utiče na savest političara? Svakako iza nje stoji jaka poruka za sve ljude, a ne samo za lidere.
Tehnologija je znatno napredovala, svake godine izlaze novi uređaji koji su bolji od onih starih, dok je na korisnicima stalan pritisak da budu "ažurirani" baš kao i njihovi telefoni, televizori, pametni satovi i ostali električni i elektronski uređaji.
To je sve normalno i ništa nije neubičajno, ali takva praksa je stvorila veliku gomilu elektronskog otpada, do te mere da pretvaramo Zemlju u "groblje smartfona".
Upravo iz razloga da se podigne svest o ovom sve prisutnijem problemu, jedna kreacija iz Velike Britanije je privukla mnogo pažnje.
Verujemo da ste čuli za nacionalni spomenik Maunt Rašmor (Mount Rushmore), na njemu se nalaze isklesane glave bivših američkih predsednika, a sada se pojavila britanska verzija koja nije isklesana na steni, već je napravljena od elektronskog otpada.
Britanski umetnici Džo Raš i Aleks Vrekedž (i još njih 13) su napravili skulpturu lidera G7 uoči samita u Kornvolu.
Ova kreacija je nazvana Mount Recyclemore (recikliraj više), po uzoru na originalnu kreaciju. Na njoj se nalaze britanski premijer Boris Džonson, japanski premijer Jošihida Suga, francuski predsednik Emanuel Makron, italijanski premijer Mario Dragi, kanadski premijer Džastin Trido, nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel i američki predsednik Džo Bajden.
Vidi opis
TENDENCIOZNA PROVOKACIJA: Lideri G7 samita napravljeni od elektronskog smeća - ljudi, osvestite se!
EDITORIAL USE ONLY Mount Recyclemore: The E7, which has been created out of e-waste, in the likeness of the G7 leaders and in the style of Mount Rushmore by British artist Joe Rush for tech recommerce expert musicMagpie, is unveiled on Sandy Acres Beach in Cornwall ahead of the G7 Summit starting later this week. Picture date: Tuesday June 8, 2021.,Image: 614848553, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
EDITORIAL USE ONLY Mount Recyclemore: The E7, which has been created out of e-waste, in the likeness of the G7 leaders and in the style of Mount Rushmore by British artist Joe Rush for tech recommerce expert musicMagpie, is unveiled on Sandy Acres Beach in Cornwall ahead of the G7 Summit starting later this week. Picture date: Tuesday June 8, 2021.,Image: 614848363, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
EDITORIAL USE ONLY Mount Recyclemore: The E7, which has been created out of e-waste, in the likeness of the G7 leaders and in the style of Mount Rushmore by British artist Joe Rush for tech recommerce expert musicMagpie, is unveiled on Sandy Acres Beach in Cornwall ahead of the G7 Summit starting later this week. Picture date: Tuesday June 8, 2021.,Image: 614848376, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
EDITORIAL USE ONLY Mount Recyclemore: The E7, which has been created out of e-waste, in the likeness of the G7 leaders and in the style of Mount Rushmore by British artist Joe Rush for tech recommerce expert musicMagpie, is unveiled on Sandy Acres Beach in Cornwall ahead of the G7 Summit starting later this week. Picture date: Tuesday June 8, 2021.,Image: 614848388, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
EDITORIAL USE ONLY Mount Recyclemore: The E7, which has been created out of e-waste, in the likeness of the G7 leaders and in the style of Mount Rushmore by British artist Joe Rush for tech recommerce expert musicMagpie, is unveiled on Sandy Acres Beach in Cornwall ahead of the G7 Summit starting later this week. Picture date: Tuesday June 8, 2021.,Image: 614848401, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
EDITORIAL USE ONLY Mount Recyclemore: The E7, which has been created out of e-waste, in the likeness of the G7 leaders and in the style of Mount Rushmore by British artist Joe Rush for tech recommerce expert musicMagpie, is unveiled on Sandy Acres Beach in Cornwall ahead of the G7 Summit starting later this week. Picture date: Tuesday June 8, 2021.,Image: 614848412, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
EDITORIAL USE ONLY Mount Recyclemore: The E7, which has been created out of e-waste, in the likeness of the G7 leaders and in the style of Mount Rushmore by British artist Joe Rush for tech recommerce expert musicMagpie, is unveiled on Sandy Acres Beach in Cornwall ahead of the G7 Summit starting later this week. Picture date: Tuesday June 8, 2021.,Image: 614848424, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
EDITORIAL USE ONLY Mount Recyclemore: The E7, which has been created out of e-waste, in the likeness of the G7 leaders and in the style of Mount Rushmore by British artist Joe Rush for tech recommerce expert musicMagpie, is unveiled on Sandy Acres Beach in Cornwall ahead of the G7 Summit starting later this week. Picture date: Tuesday June 8, 2021.,Image: 614848569, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
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"Potrebno je da recikliramo stvari, moramo da se postaramo da stvari traju! Ne možemo samo da bacamo. To nije samo problem političara, to je problem koji ljudska rasa treba da reši!" - rekao je Raš za The Guardian. Svaka ova skulptura je dimenzija 3x1 metara, ima u sebi 12 tona smeća i oko 20.000 bačene tehnologije.
Velike su šanse da će ovu skulpturu videti članovi grupe G7, pošto se nalazi veoma blizu hotela Carbis Bay u kom će se ovaj samit održati. "Ova skulptura će ih gledati, a nadam se da će im proraditi savest i da će ih naterati da shvate da smo svi zajedno u ovome. Glavna poruka je da moramo da razgovaramo međusobno kako bi rešili ovaj problem" - zaključio je Raš.
Više od 53 miliona tona elektronskog otpada je generisano u 2019. godini, procenjuje se da će do 2030. godine porasti na 74 miliona tona.
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