Ulaganja su ogromna, ali se investicija isplati zbog drastičnog smanjenja trajanja putovanja, zaštite životne sredine i lakšeg prevoza tereta objašnjava Transpod kompanija.
Kanada bi uskoro mogla da dobije voz koji se kreće brzinom 1.000 kilometara na sat i koji je mnogo bezbedniji po životnu okolinu i ekološki čistiji od prevoza autoputevima, koje delimično i treba da zameni za mnogobrojne putnike.
Startap kompanija Transpod tokom avgusta je predstavila FluxJet - voz koji bi se kretao u vakuumskoj cevi (ovo nije novost, ali je svakako značajna korak za Kanadu i taj deo Severne Amerike, ali u Kini već neko vreme postoji voz MAGLEV).
Ako bi se ovaj predlog sproveo u delo, hibrid voza i aviona, odnosno prevozno sredstvo koje lebdi malo iznad zemlje, spojiće udaljene gradove i skratiti vreme putovanja na manje od sat vremena, piše Euronews. Karte će koštati manje od avionske karte, najavila je kompanija Transpod.
Kako bi funkcionisao FluxJet?
Dizajn je zasnovan na fizici za koju kompanija tvrdi da je slična ideji Ilona Maska o "hiperpetlji", gde električno vozilo putuje izuzetno velikom brzinom u cevi sa niskim pritiskom. Vagoni bi levitirali, a u vazduhu bi ih držali magneti i vrsta struje elektromotora. Nedostatak aerodinamičkog otpora znači da mogu, makar hipotetički, da postignu izuzetno velike brzine.
Iako zvuči kao naučna fantastika, da li će postati stvarnost, zavisi isključivo od razvijanja nove tehnologije. Međutim, na događaju otkrivanja, Transpod je uspeo da demonstrira smanjeni prototip. Voz od jedne tone je poleteo, otputovao i sleteo u okviru vodilice. "Tehnologija je dokazana i imamo poverenje investitora, vlade i partnera da nastavimo da se trudimo da efikasno redefinišemo transport", rekao je izvršni direktor Transpod kompanije Sebastijen Gendron.
Investitori su do sada obezbedili 550 miliona evra za projekat.
FluxJet voz juri 1.000 km na sat i lebdi u vazduhu
Handout image - A Canadian company has unveiled plans for a fully electric train-style vehicle which could travel at 1,000 kilometers per hour and, it claims, would cost less than a plane ticket to travel on. FluxJet was announced by TransPod in its home city of Toronto last month, with a scaled-down one-tonne version of what it terms the "plane-train hybrid" featuring in a live demonstration of its capabilities. It's based on similar principles to the "hyperloop" concept made famous by US entrepreneur Elon Musk: FluxJet will be propelled at ultra-fast speeds along a protected tube-guideway using groundbreaking technology based on a new field of physics called "veillance flux.,Image: 719929676, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***
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***, Model Release: no
Handout image - A Canadian company has unveiled plans for a fully electric train-style vehicle which could travel at 1,000 kilometers per hour and, it claims, would cost less than a plane ticket to travel on. FluxJet was announced by TransPod in its home city of Toronto last month, with a scaled-down one-tonne version of what it terms the plane-train hybrid featuring in a live demonstration of its capabilities. It's based on similar principles to the hyperloop concept made famous by US entrepreneur Elon Musk: FluxJet will be propelled at ultra-fast speeds along a protected tube-guideway using groundbreaking technology based on a new field of physics called veillance flux.,Image: 719929681, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***
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***, Model Release: no
Handout image - A Canadian company has unveiled plans for a fully electric train-style vehicle which could travel at 1,000 kilometers per hour and, it claims, would cost less than a plane ticket to travel on. FluxJet was announced by TransPod in its home city of Toronto last month, with a scaled-down one-tonne version of what it terms the plane-train hybrid featuring in a live demonstration of its capabilities. It's based on similar principles to the hyperloop concept made famous by US entrepreneur Elon Musk: FluxJet will be propelled at ultra-fast speeds along a protected tube-guideway using groundbreaking technology based on a new field of physics called veillance flux.,Image: 719929686, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***
HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only
***, Model Release: no
Handout image - A Canadian company has unveiled plans for a fully electric train-style vehicle which could travel at 1,000 kilometers per hour and, it claims, would cost less than a plane ticket to travel on. FluxJet was announced by TransPod in its home city of Toronto last month, with a scaled-down one-tonne version of what it terms the plane-train hybrid featuring in a live demonstration of its capabilities. It's based on similar principles to the hyperloop concept made famous by US entrepreneur Elon Musk: FluxJet will be propelled at ultra-fast speeds along a protected tube-guideway using groundbreaking technology based on a new field of physics called veillance flux.,Image: 719929691, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***
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***, Model Release: no
Kanada trenutno ima neefikasan i zastareo železnički sistem. Nijedan od njihovih vozova nije brz, a samo mali deo mreže je elektrifikovan. Ako je moguće ostvariti planove ove kompanije, FluxJet bi sve ovo promenio. Kompanija planira mrežni sistem cevi širom Kanade, sa stanicama u većim gradovima.
Svaka cev će moći da prevozi 54 putnika i deset tona tereta. Karte će koštati 44 odsto manje od avionskih karata, tvrdi kompanija.
Projekat je trenutno u fazi istraživanja i razvoja, a zatim će početi da traži kupovinu zemljišta. Prva planirana etapa će prevoziti putnike između gradova Kalgarija i Edmontona, na putu od oko 300 km. Ako uspe, voz će smanjiti tri sata vožnje na 45 minuta vožnje. Prva faza bi odvojila trećinu saobraćaja sa autoputa koji spaja Kalgari sa Edmontonom, tvrde u kompaniji - iako nije jasno na čemu zasnivaju ovu projekciju. Međutim, kompanija već gleda mnogo dalje.
"Prva faza izgradnje sastoji se od povezivanja aerodroma u Edmontonu, koji je planiran da počne krajem 2023. godine, i pune linije koja povezuje Kalgari sa Edmontonom 2027. godine", rekao je za CNN izvršni direktor Sebastijen Gendron. U Teksasu se već vode razgovori o povezivanju Dalasa sa San Antoniom, u UAE o povezivanju Dubaija sa Abu Dabijem i u Australiji o povezivanju Sidneja sa Brizbejnom, tvrdi kompanija.
Ovo nece zaziveti jer je skupa infrastruktura. Bilo je jos slicnih projekata, bilo je nesto sa magnetima, takodje nije dodirivao nista. Ne znam sta je sa tim, ali to mi je delovalo dobro i realno, mislim da to ima potencijala, a ovo ne.