Kao što to čine Ilon Mask ili Džef Bezos i Kina će slati ljude u svemir.
Kina namerava da pošalje prvu grupu komercijalnih putnika u suborbitalni svemir 2025. godine, sa svakim letom po ceni između dva i tri miliona juana (oko 287.000 do 430.800 dolara), rekao je stručnjak za rakete Jang Jićang, prenosi Kineska medijska grupa.
"Trenutno postoje tri načina putovanja u svemir. Prvi je ulazak u svemirsku stanicu, koja postavlja stroge zahteve za fizičko i psihičko stanje turista", objasnio je naučnik koji je 2018. bio generalni direktor raketnog projekta Dugi marš 11 i osnivač raketne kompanije CAS Space sa sedištem u Pekingu. "Drugi način vodi turiste u svemir na teretnom avionu koji se koristi za podizanje druge letilice", dodao je.
Treći način, prema Jangu, i onaj na koji će se Kina fokusirati, jeste suborbitalno putovanje svemirom. Ovo će biti pogodnije za većinu putnika.
SAD su počele da komercijalizuju svoj svemirski sektor 1980-ih, a industrija je relativno sazrela kada je SpaceX osnovan 2002. Virgin Galactic je najavio ove vrste putovanja po ceni od 450.000 dolara po sedištu, prema ranije dostupnim podacima ove američke kompanije.
Pogledajte kako izgleda Virgin Galactic putovanje u svemir:
Kina planira svemirska putovanja za obične putnike već od 2025. godine
Virgin Galactic UNITY22 flying in mid-air after taking off from the Spaceport in New Mexico, U.S, carrying UK businessman Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic rocket plane takes on Sunday July 11, 2021 to an altitude where the sky turns black and the Earth's horizon curves away into the distance. The entrepreneur says he wants to evaluate the experience before allowing paying customers aboard next year. The vehicle will set off for the 1.5-hour mission above New Mexico at about 08:30 local US time (15:30 BST). IMAGE COURTESY: VIRGIN GALACTIC,Image: 620940823, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
This handout photo courtesy Of Virgin Galactic shows Sir Richard Branson(C) and other Unity 22 crew members at zero gravity, viewed as they flew into space aboard a Virgin Galactic vessel, a voyage he described as the "experience of a lifetime" -- and one he hopes will usher in an era of lucrative space tourism at Spaceport America, near Truth and Consequences, New Mexico on July 11, 2021.
"Congratulations to all our wonderful team at Virgin Galactic for 17 years of hard, hard work to get us this far," he said during a live feed as the VSS Unity spaceship glided back to Spaceport America in New Mexico.It reached a peak altitude of around 53 miles (85 kilometers) -- beyond the boundary of space, according to the United States -- allowing the passengers to experience weightlessness and admire the Earth's curvature.The trip proceeded without drama, and touchdown occurred at around 9:40 am Mountain Time (1540 GMT), about an hour after take-off.,Image: 620939990, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO /VIRGIN GALATIC/HANDOUT " - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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Virgin Galactic UNITY22 flying in mid-air after taking off from the Spaceport in New Mexico, U.S, carrying UK businessman Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic rocket plane takes on Sunday July 11, 2021 to an altitude where the sky turns black and the Earth's horizon curves away into the distance. The entrepreneur says he wants to evaluate the experience before allowing paying customers aboard next year. The vehicle will set off for the 1.5-hour mission above New Mexico at about 08:30 local US time (15:30 BST). IMAGE COURTESY: VIRGIN GALACTIC,Image: 620940688, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
The Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo space plane Unity and mothership separate as they fly way above Spaceport America, near Truth and Consequences, New Mexico on July 11, 2021 on the way to the cosmos.
Billionaire Richard Branson took off July 11, 2021 from a base in New Mexico aboard a Virgin Galactic vessel bound for the edge of space, a voyage he hopes will lift the nascent space tourism industry off the ground.A massive carrier plane made a horizontal take-off from Spaceport, New Mexico at around 8:40 am Mountain Time (1440 GMT) and will ascend for around an hour to an altitude of 50,000 feet (15 kilometers).The mothership will then drop a rocket-powered spaceplane called VSS Unity, which will ignite its engine and ascend at Mach 3 beyond 50 miles (80 kilometers) of altitude, which marks the boundary of space according to the United States.,Image: 620928898, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Virgin Spaceship Unity (VSS Unity) touches down after flying freely for the first time after being released from Virgin Mothership Eve (VMS Eve) on 3rd, December 2016 in the Mojave Desert.
Virgin Galactic Makes Space for Second Time in Ten Weeks with Three On Board
Virgin Spaceship Unity and Virgin Mothership Eve take to the skies on it's first captive carry flight on 8th September 2016
Virgin Galactic's First Spaceflight on December 13th 2018
Kina je pokrenula ovaj sektor relativno kasno 2015. godine, ali je industrija već dobila oblik uz brz razvoj. “Kina će verovatno dostići nivo razvoja SAD u sektoru komercijalizacije svemira u roku od 10 godina“ rekao je Jang.
Ovaj sektor u Kini je ušao u takozvanu eru 2.0 vođenu aplikacijama i tržišnim silama, što se razlikuje od takoreći ere 1.0 koja je predstavljala osnovnu za proizvodnju, istraživanje i razvoj u domenu svemirskog turizma i planiranja bilo kakvog puta u svemir uopšte.
Prema industrijskom izveštaju, Kina je 2021. imala više od 370 preduzeća koncentrisanih isključivo na proizvodnju satelita, lansiranje raketa i relevantne usluge zasnovane na satelitima u orbiti, prenosi Kineska medijska grupa (China Media Gropu, CMG).
Ričard Brason poruka iz svemira Virgin Galactic VIDEO
Izvor: Virgin Galactic
Virgin Galactic planovi za letove u svemir
Izvor: Smart Life/ @Virgin Galactic