Milijarder Ričard Brason je Astronaut 001 i spreman je da vodi ljude u svemir nakon istorijskog leta na ivicu Zemljine orbite.
Ričard Brason upisao se u nešto poput knjige utisaka prvog leta njegovom Virgin Galactic kompanijom kao “Astronaut 001 obučen da oduševi“.
On je sa još tri člana posade odleteo na ivicu svemira prvim komercijalnim letom, samo par dana pre nego što to učini bivši vlasnik Amazon kompanije u svojoj Blue Origin raketi.
Brason, koji ima 70 godina i više od decenije čeka na ovaj let, uspešno je sleteo u Novi Meksiko nakon leta nazvanog Unity 22, koji je bio četvrti test let ove kompanije. Nakon što se raketa odvojila od nosača na 45.000 stopa iznad tla (oko 14 kilometara u vazduhu) dostigla je preko 86 kilometara iznad Zemlje i krenula da se spušta.
Po uspešnom povratku na zemlju usledilo je slavlje, a svoje čestitke su Brasonu i ekipi putem društvenih mreža uputili Ilon Mask i mnoge druge poznate ličnosti SAD i širom sveta.
POČELO JE, SVEMIRSKI TURIZAM JE STVARNOST: Ričard Barson uspešno posetio ivicu svemira prvim komercijalnim letom
The Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo space plane Unity and mothership separate as they fly way above Spaceport America, near Truth and Consequences, New Mexico on July 11, 2021 on the way to the cosmos.
Billionaire Richard Branson took off July 11, 2021 from a base in New Mexico aboard a Virgin Galactic vessel bound for the edge of space, a voyage he hopes will lift the nascent space tourism industry off the ground.A massive carrier plane made a horizontal take-off from Spaceport, New Mexico at around 8:40 am Mountain Time (1440 GMT) and will ascend for around an hour to an altitude of 50,000 feet (15 kilometers).The mothership will then drop a rocket-powered spaceplane called VSS Unity, which will ignite its engine and ascend at Mach 3 beyond 50 miles (80 kilometers) of altitude, which marks the boundary of space according to the United States.,Image: 620928898, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Virgin Galactic UNITY22 flying in mid-air after taking off from the Spaceport in New Mexico, U.S, carrying UK businessman Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic rocket plane takes on Sunday July 11, 2021 to an altitude where the sky turns black and the Earth's horizon curves away into the distance. The entrepreneur says he wants to evaluate the experience before allowing paying customers aboard next year. The vehicle will set off for the 1.5-hour mission above New Mexico at about 08:30 local US time (15:30 BST). IMAGE COURTESY: VIRGIN GALACTIC,Image: 620940823, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
This handout photo courtesy Of Virgin Galactic shows Sir Richard Branson(C) and other Unity 22 crew members at zero gravity, viewed as they flew into space aboard a Virgin Galactic vessel, a voyage he described as the "experience of a lifetime" -- and one he hopes will usher in an era of lucrative space tourism at Spaceport America, near Truth and Consequences, New Mexico on July 11, 2021.
"Congratulations to all our wonderful team at Virgin Galactic for 17 years of hard, hard work to get us this far," he said during a live feed as the VSS Unity spaceship glided back to Spaceport America in New Mexico.It reached a peak altitude of around 53 miles (85 kilometers) -- beyond the boundary of space, according to the United States -- allowing the passengers to experience weightlessness and admire the Earth's curvature.The trip proceeded without drama, and touchdown occurred at around 9:40 am Mountain Time (1540 GMT), about an hour after take-off.,Image: 620939990, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO /VIRGIN GALATIC/HANDOUT " - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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Virgin Galactic UNITY22 flying in mid-air after taking off from the Spaceport in New Mexico, U.S, carrying UK businessman Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic rocket plane takes on Sunday July 11, 2021 to an altitude where the sky turns black and the Earth's horizon curves away into the distance. The entrepreneur says he wants to evaluate the experience before allowing paying customers aboard next year. The vehicle will set off for the 1.5-hour mission above New Mexico at about 08:30 local US time (15:30 BST). IMAGE COURTESY: VIRGIN GALACTIC,Image: 620940688, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Sir Richard Branson speaks after he flew into space aboard a Virgin Galactic vessel, a voyage he described as the "experience of a lifetime" -- and one he hopes will usher in an era of lucrative space tourism at Spaceport America, near Truth and Consequences, New Mexico on July 11, 2021.
"Congratulations to all our wonderful team at Virgin Galactic for 17 years of hard, hard work to get us this far," he said during a live feed as the VSS Unity spaceship glided back to Spaceport America in New Mexico.It reached a peak altitude of around 53 miles (85 kilometers) -- beyond the boundary of space, according to the United States -- allowing the passengers to experience weightlessness and admire the Earth's curvature.The trip proceeded without drama, and touchdown occurred at around 9:40 am Mountain Time (1540 GMT), about an hour after take-off.,Image: 620941366, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Nakon uspešne posete ivici svemira, koja je kako kažu članovi posade, sve je izgledalo i prošlo savršeno, Ričard Brason je najavio i prve komercijalne letove na istoj destinaciji od početka 2022. godine. Prvi putnik biće izabran u velikoj nagradnoj igri, koja je pokrenuta, a ostali će morati da plate, mada cena putovanja još uvek nije otkrivena.
U nagradnoj igri mogu da učestvuju svi punoletni stanovnici planete koji su vakcinisani protiv korone, a maksimalan broj prijava je 6.000 po osobi.
Pobednik će biti izabran 29. septembra ili nakon tog datuma, a kraj prijava je 1. septembra. Srećni dobitnik će dobiti i mogućnost da obiće "svemirsku fabriku" Ričarda Brasona u Novom Meksiku, a ekscentrični milijarder obećava i puno čokolade na tom obilasku, koji će lično voditi.
Da cela situacija bude potpuno neobična potrudio se, naravno, Ričard lično, koji je na lansiranje svoje rakete došao biciklom, jer - ništa ne sme biti uobičajeno, da ne kažemo normalno…
Da li biste vi voleli da otputujete na ivicu svemira?
Ričard Brason poruka iz svemira Virgin Galactic VIDEO
Izvor: Virgin Galactic
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