Sve je manje razloga da Windows 7 korisnici nastave da koriste zastareli operativni sistem.
Čini se da Google više nema strpljenja kada je u pitanju Chrome podrška za Windows 7. Oni koji još uvek koriste ovaj operativni sistem na svojim računarima će izgubiti podršku za Chrome 7. februara 2023. Zastarele verzije će i dalje funkcionisati, ali korisnici neće više dobijati sigurnosne zakrpe ili nove funkcije.
Uprkos tome što je početkom 2020. godine Microsoft ukinuo podršku za Windows 7, ovaj operativni sistem i dalje koristi veliki broj ljudi širom sveta. Prema Statcounter GlobalStats istraživanju, Windows 7 se nalazi na 10,68% uređaja širom sveta, dok se Windows 8,1, koji će takođe izgubiti Chrome podršku u isto vreme, nalazi na 2,7% računara.
Izvor: StatCounter
Google nas je već neko vreme pripremao na ovaj potez, želeći da prekine podršku do jula 2021. godine, ali je taj rok pomerio već dva puta. Ipak, čini se da je 7. februar sada "uklesan u kamenu" i takođe predstavlja datum kada će ostali korisnici dobiti Chrome 110 verziju.
Google je u svom saopštenju za javnost rekao da je ovaj datum bitan, jer se poklapa sa datumom prekida plaćene Microsoft ESU podrške za Windows 7 i dodatne podrške za Windows 8.1.
Tehnološki gigant poziva Windows 7 i Windows 8.1 korisnike da pređu na Windows 10 ili Windows 11 pre nego što Chrome izgubi podršku, kako bi sigurno koristili pregledač i dobijali najnovije funkcije i zakrpe za razne bagove.
Uprkos tome što je lansiran 2009. godine, mnogi i dalje smatraju Windows 7 najboljom verzijom Microsoft operativnih sistema, a iako se još uvek drži na oko 10% računara, nema sumnje da prekid Chrome podrške označava još jedan korak bliže njegovom nestanku.
Koliko ljudi mogu da se vežu za softver najbolje pokazuje spomenik koji je jedan južnokorejanac podigao svom voljenom pregledaču:
This undated handout photo provided courtesy of Kiyoung Jung on June 17, 2022 shows a grave for Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which was retired by the company earlier this week after 27 years, in honour of the browser's death, on the rooftop of a cafe in South Korea's southern city of Gyeongju. A South Korean engineer who built a grave for Internet Explorer -- photos of which quickly went viral -- told AFP on June 17 that the now-defunct web browser had made his life a misery.,Image: 700439095, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ---- EDITORS NOTE --- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT AFP PHOTO / Courtesy of Kiyoung Jung - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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This undated handout photo provided courtesy of Kiyoung Jung on June 17, 2022 shows a grave for Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which was retired by the company earlier this week after 27 years, in honour of the browser's death, on the rooftop of a cafe in South Korea's southern city of Gyeongju. A South Korean engineer who built a grave for Internet Explorer -- photos of which quickly went viral -- told AFP on June 17 that the now-defunct web browser had made his life a misery.,Image: 700439096, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ---- EDITORS NOTE --- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT AFP PHOTO / Courtesy of Kiyoung Jung - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
This undated handout photo provided courtesy of Kiyoung Jung on June 17, 2022 shows a grave for Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which was retired by the company earlier this week after 27 years, in honour of the browser's death, on the rooftop of a cafe in South Korea's southern city of Gyeongju. A South Korean engineer who built a grave for Internet Explorer -- photos of which quickly went viral -- told AFP on June 17 that the now-defunct web browser had made his life a misery.,Image: 700439097, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ---- EDITORS NOTE --- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT AFP PHOTO / Courtesy of Kiyoung Jung - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS, ***
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Win7 se nalazi vecinom na racunarima sa konfig koja vrlo tesko moze da gura Win10 /11. Jos kada se tome pridoda Chrome-ova nezajazljivost za RAM-om jasno je da , ili morate promeniti racunar ili ostati na Win7 i prihvatiti Chrome bez buduceg azuriranja.
Koristim windows 10, ne znam jos kakva je 11 ali je zato windows 7 ubedljivo najbolji, najstabilniji i bez premca najlepse uradjen sistem Microsofta ikad.
Koliko je nepouzdan chrome i pretrpan glupim dodacima, zahteva ažuriranje svaki drugi dan na windowsu i na androidu, jedino što je brz, ali mozila je daleko pouzdanija i sporija. Onaj microsoftov edge je nametnut i ne vredi ničemu, ostali nisu vredni pominjanja. Sve u svemu nema dovoljno pregledača i nedostaje konkurencija za windows, dok ih na androidu ima previše, preko hiljadu